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Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD

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PSJA Educator Surprised with Award from The College Football Playoff Foundation’s Extra Yard for Teachers

PSJA Educator Surprised with Award from The College Football Playoff Foundation’s Extra Yard for Teachers

PHARR, TX – Teach For America Rio Grande Valley (TFA RGV) in partnership with the College Football Playoff Foundation’s (CFP) Extra Yard for Teachers Week announced that PSJA North Early College High School (ECHS) educator John Froozan has received $250 inrecognition of his impact and commitment in the classroom. He was surprised by the news as his students, colleagues, and campus administrators gathered in his classroom to celebrate the moment. 


The CFP Foundation’s primary platform, Extra Yard for Teachers, is dedicated to elevating the teaching profession by inspiring and empowering teachers in four core areas: resources, recognition, professional development, recruitment and retention. 


Mr. Froozan was nominated and selected for the Extra Yard for Teachers recognition because of his dedication to student success, and contributions to building a brighter future in his community through education. He is a testament to the power of positive influence in education, as he went above and beyond to inspire and support students. 


The surprise was orchestrated by Teach for America representatives and school administration who kept the award a secret until the announcement. As Mr. Froozan was leading a history lesson, the school Assistant Principal, student leaders, and TFA personnel walked into the classroom with balloons in hand ready to share the news. 
Froozan was surprised when he received the news of the award.  “I am stunned,” said Froozan. “I am extremely honored to have received this recognition, at the end of the day it’s the students who do all of the work, I am just here to help give them the tools and resources they need to reach their goals.” 


Froozan was recognized as an exemplary educator for his commitment to equity as core to his classroom instruction. He thoughtfully designs lessons that not only engage students but also encourage critical thinking and dialogue. Froozan’s hands-on approach empowers students to create, research, and express themselves, fostering a classroom environment rich in student voice.  

Congratulations Mr. Froozan, PSJA ISD is honored to celebrate your impact and commitment to student success. 
