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Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD

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Victoria Brewster

PSJA North Early College High School, Class of 2020

Associate Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from South Texas College

Plans to Attend: Baylor University
Major: Communication

What are your goals and aspirations?
Upon graduation from PSJA North Early College High school I will be receiving my Associates degree from South Texas College in Interdisciplinary Studies and Dual Language Certificate for Bilingual and Biliteracy. With my degree, I plan on utilizing my communication skills and business experience to work with businesses as a public relations specialist.

PSJA North’s Deans List; Hidalgo County Cotillion; Miss Pharr 2019; Rotary Student of the Month of September; Frederick B. Douglass and Susan B. Anthony Award from the University of Rochester

What has Early College done for you?
The PSJA Early College Program has not only given me the opportunity to take college courses and obtain my Associate's Degree, but has offered me the experience of taking rigorous courses with college professors in my high school setting. Being an early college student has taught me to manage my time while balancing both my high school and college courses along with my extracurricular activities and community involvement.

How was your experience at PSJA?
My overall experience in PSJA has definitely taught me more than just my academic life, it has taught me life skills and provided much exposer for me and my future. I am a very proud PSJA student as I have been able to witness and experience the growth physically, financially, and educationally in PSJA. PSJA has provided opportunities that I would have never had if I was not a PSJA student, I am a dual enrollment college student, dual language student, and am still fully able to participate in multiple clubs and organizations.

What would you like to say to your PSJA Family?
Words will never be able to explain how grateful I am to PSJA ISD for helping shape me into the person I am today. I would like to thank my entire PSJA Family for all of the love and support they show each and every one of their students along with their staff and administration. I have gotten to experience working with PSJA not only as a student but seeing from the outside perspective as a City Ambassador and being able to witness how close-knit and loving the district family truly is. PSJA has provided so many opportunities for their community, students, staff, and parents, no matter the age, sex, or race PSJA has always represented one big loving family. I am so proud to say I am a PSJA student and cannot wait to see all of the amazing things PSJA will continue to do in the future.