Alyssa Sandoval
PSJA Memorial Early College High School, Class of 2017
Plans to Attend: Texas Christian University
Major: Film
UIL Journalism All-State Staff / UIL Journalism Regional Qualifier / Phi Theta Kappa / National Society of High Schools
How What are your goals and aspirations?
I want to be successful in all things in life. My first goal is to get into college and graduate to become a teacher and a coach.
UIL Journalism All-State Staff / UIL Journalism Regional Qualifier / Phi Theta Kappa / National Society of High Schools
How was your Early College experience?
I am thankful that I got an opportunity to get a head start and will obtain a degree as it will save time and money when I continue my studies.
What has Early College done for you?
PSJA Memorial Early College High School has helped me grow as an individual. I continue learning about myself and where I stand in the midst of the crowded hallways.
What would you say to your PSJA Family?
My fellow peers and teachers have instilled learning moments throughout my high school years that I know will guide me after I graduate. I'll forever rejoice to be a part of PSJA for giving me the opportunity to get a head start on my education.
What would be your message for underclassmen?
Stay focused not solely on the schoolwork, but also on where you see yourself after high school when you're really on your own. Don't let others put you in a box, especially your own self. Stay inspired to inspire.