SEL & Wraparound Program Goals
Create a district and campus team
Conduct a needs assessment process that can utilize data to streamline resources to our students and parents
Explore internal and external partnership options to support our students and families with their basic needs and social emotional well-being.
1. PSJA’s primary focus is centered on the “whole student”
All staff and stakeholders have a common agenda for change including a shared understanding of the concern(s) and a collaborative approach towards positive solutions.
2. Shared measurement
Collecting non-academic data and measuring results consistently across all schools ensures a data driven approach for alignment and accountability for student success. A collection of inputs, outputs, and impact will be utilized to measure short-term and long-term results via specialized softwares.
3. Alignment of all Internal and External Efforts
A plan of action outlining, coordinating, and promoting resources and activities for each school that integrate social emotional supports to benefit the entire school community.
4. Communication
Open and continuous two-way communication is needed across the entities to build trust, assure mutual objectives, and create common motivation to promote student success.
5. Unique community needs
Specific programs and services are designed based on the local factors, culture, and individual community needs. The guiding principle is to identify students’ critical needs and mobilize the most appropriate assets to support our students and families.
6. Equitable and Trusting Relationships
Every community school is committed to building an equitable and trusting relationship with their stakeholders. The success of the schools depends on the quality of the relationships that school and district staff maintain with various entities, including parents and community partners.